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Hello, and welcome! I’m Allison Carroll Duffy, and I’ve been working as on-camera and voice talent, and as a lifestyle model, in Maine and the greater Boston area for many years.  In addition to appearing in local and regional television commercials, I have worked as a television host for the CW Network affiliate station WPXT, hosted a show called Kid Connection on Resort Sports Network, and co-hosted a series of food-related segments for Outside Television. I have also appeared a number of times as a food preservation guest expert on “207 Kitchen” on Newscenter Maine / WCSH6 in Portland, Maine.

In additon to my on-camera / talent work, I am very involved in the world of food and food preservation. I’ve been growing and preserving food for over 20 years, and I’m trained as a Master Food Preserver through the University of Maine Cooperative Extension.  I also hold a Masters degree in Gastronomy from Boston University. I teach canning and preserving classes and workshops, and have written about food for various publications including Backpacker Magazine, Taproot, and the Boston Globe. My book Preserving Pomona’s Pectin was published by Fairwinds Press in 2013, and the updated edition (with new chapters and new recipes!) was released in 2021. If you would like to know more about my food and preserving-related work, please visit my other website–